And what is my word for 2012?
I want to learn how to wait.
I want to learn to rest patiently before my Lord and wait.
I want to wait on His plan, on His timing, instead of running on my own.
I want to learn to wait before I speak. To be quiet, and not speak words of control on others' lives.
I want to wait on the Spirit, on His leading and His guiding.
I want to learn to be silent and wait. Instead of speaking too soon.
There is so much waiting to be done in this life, yet I am not content to do so. I am impatient when I wait in line in a restaurant, I am impatient to have grades returned to me on time, and I am impatient when my cell phone's service seems to take forever to load.
But even more importantly than that: I am impatient in my relationship with God. I choose to believe I know what is best instead of trusting Him and His timing. I choose to run ahead and try to pull Him along, instead of listening to His warning, "Wait: for my ways are perfect. Not yours."
I choose to speak to Him before waiting on Him. I choose to be loud, to be anxious, to pour out my thoughts to Him before He even gets a chance to open His mouth and share with me.
And what kind of a relationship is that?
This year, I need to learn patience. I need to learn grace and humility, and all of these things are summed up in my learning to wait.
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